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The Homebuilt Sailplanes RingHow Do You Join?
You become a member of the ring by adding your site to a list of potential new members. Once
Webring adds your site to the queue, an email will be sent to you with a customized version of the
HTML code required for your site. Add this code as soon as possible. You will also need the two small images below (right-click on each and select save):
When you have finished setting up the code, contact the ringmaster and inform him that you are ready. After your site is reviewed, it will be added to the ring by the ringmaster.
For those interested discussing aspects of homebuilt sailplanes, there is a dedicated discussion List. If you want to join, then please type your E-mail address in the box below and then click on the "Join" icon.
The password will be mailed current registered address for the site.
N.B.! Only for sites with no graphic content. To visit other sites in the ring, click on one of these links. [Prev 5] [SkipPrev] [Previous] [NextSite] [SkipNext] [Next 5] [List] [Random] Click here for more info.
Copyright © 1998 P.H. Rankin Hansen All Rights Reserved Updated 01-07-28 at 09:54 |