Hovercraft images

This page contains images taken by P.R. Koontz. Most of the images are Sevtecs. If you want to see a larger version of an image, then click on it.

Dave Crawford and his Neoteric Questrek on the Toutle River during the Oct. 95 Northwest Cruise. Dave now has a Sevtec Vanguard.

On the beach during the N.W. Hover-In July 98. This the Cowlitz River at Longview, Washington.

Same as previous.

Same as previous.

Group shot at the 3rd N.W. Hover-In July 98.

Same as previous.

Same as previous.

Sunday morning at the 3rd N.W. Hover-In July 98

Saturday morning at the 3rd N.W. Hover-In July 98.

Sevtec Sev's

Sevtec Sev's

Sevtec Sev's

Sevtec Vanguard with twin engines. Two Vanguards this year were modified by the owners like this. The new Sevtec Surveyor is behind the yellow Vanguard.

Sevtec Vanguard 16 h.p. with Barry Palmer as pilot.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Vanguard going up the river bank at Barry Palmer's house. This craft has 16 h.p.

Same as previous.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Vanguard making a 180 deg. turn at speed.

Two Sevtec Vanguards. Barry Palmer and Bill Slining

Barry Palmer's backyard hovercraft ramp.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Vanguard's

Going up Barry Palmer's ramp.

Barry Palmer and Bill Slining in their Sevtec Vanguards.

Same as previous.

Going up Barry's ramp.

Sevtec Surveyor at the 3rd N.W. Hover-In July 98.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Explorer built by Bryan Phillips at the N.W. Hover-In.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Prospector built by Bill Slining.

Sevtec Fantastic 2 at the 95 N.W. Cruise - Jim Brenneke owner of this 1983 18 hp craft.

Group shot at the 95 N.W. Cruise.

Sevtec Fantastic 2 - 18 hp one man craft.

Sevtec Vanguard built by Bryan Phillips and Glen Harrington with his UH-13T. Glen now has a Sevtec Prospector.

On the Toutle River going under the I-5 bridge during the 95 N.W. Cruise.

Sevtec Fantastic and Neoteric Questrek at the 95 N.W. Cruise.

95 N.W. Cruise group shot.

Sevtec Vanguard and UH-13T

Glen Harrington's UH-13T. Glen had a UH-15P before this craft and he now has a Sevtec Prospector.

Wolf Rautenberg's Sevtec Explorer Model B.

Dave Crawford's Neoteric Questrek at the 95 N.W. Cruise.

Glen's UH-13T on the Toutle River during the 95 Cruise.

Dave's Neoteric Questrek.

Glen's UH-13T

Dave's Questrek on the Cowlitz River during the 95 Cruise.

Glen Harrington's all wood Sevtec Prospector.

Same as previous.

At the 3rd Northwest Hover-In - Sat. morning.

Sevtec Vanguard with twin engines.

Sevtec Explorer Model A - Doug Coleman owner

Sevtec's on the beach Sat. morning during the N.W. Hover-In.

Sevtec Prospector with Geo Metro engine and flat lift fans. Built and modified by Allen Cox.

Same as previous.

Sevtec's on the beach.

Same as previous.

A true boat trailer for a hovercraft.

Mercedes-Benz Unimog 416 on the beach unloading a Scat hovercraft.

N.W. Hover-In group shot - Left

N.W. Hover-In - Middle

N.W. Hover-In - Right

Sevtec Explorer built by Bryan Phillips. This craft just returned from the North to Alaska trip.

Sevtec Fantastic 95 N.W. Cruise.

Glen's UH-13T on the Cowlitz River during the 95 cruise.

Glen giving Bryan Phillips a ride during the 95 Cruise.

Same as previous.

Sevtec Surveyor at the 98 N.W. Hover-In.

Neoteric Questrek and Sevtec Fantastic 2 on the Cowlitz River during the 95 N.W. Cruise.

Same as previous.

Neoteric Questrek 95 Cruise.

Sevtec Fantastic 2 - Jim Brenneke owner during the 95 Cruise.

Same as previous.

Dave's Neoteric Questrek during the 95 Cruise.

Sevtec Fantastic 2 during the 95 Cruise.

Glen's UH-13T during the 95 Cruise.

Sevtec Vanguard and UH-13T at the 95 Cruise.

The 1995 N.W. Cruise on the Toutle River.

Sevtec Prospector at the 98 Hover-In. Built by Glen Harrington.

If you have any comments, please contact P.R. Koontz or ping@piteraq.dk.

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Updated 99-11-21 at 22:32