Grazing hutch for rabbits

There are many variants of grazing hutches. The one shown here, was designed by Erling Balle for the Danish association of Rabbit-breeders. The hutch has a grazing area of 1.2 m² and can hold a litter of 6-8 until they are ready for slaughter.

Drawing of a grazing hutch

Bill of materials
Mink netting, 1" x 1½" mask, 1,75 mm thread
 3  141 x 91 cmTwo are used for top and one for bottom
 145 x 86 cmGable in open section
 165 x 65 cmDoor
Mink netting, ¾" x ¾" mask, 2,05 mm thread
 141 x 86 cmBottom in 'cabin'
Wood, 1½" x 2½"
 3270 cmFrame laths
Wood, 1" x 6"
 186 cmThreshold
 161 x 137 cmCover for 'cabin'
Chip board
 143 x 86 cmGable, cut in a half circle with radius 43 cm
 Nails, clips, etc. 

Grazing hutches in a field

1  Bottom frame of laths on high end are fastened with 3½" or 4" nails
2Frame is placed on two laths, so you can reach it from all sides. Top thread is fastened with ¾ staples on the inner side of the frame, about 2 cm from the top. The laths are knocked a little apart, so the thread can go between the length- and cross laths. The thread is joined on the middle with thread clips.
3The netting for the gable is fastened to the inside of the cross lath and fastened to the top netting with clips before being cut in shape
4The door opening, 45 cm wide and 30-35 cm high, is cut out of the top thread. You should strengthen the edge with 3.4 mm galvanized wire that is fastened with clips. The door is hinged on top with clips and closed with a spring. (Three pieces of cut-out can be clipped together and used for the gable)
5The sheet of masonite is pushed into place, sliding on the nails that join the frame. Lift in place with a wood chisel and tap the laths together.
6The 1" x 6" threshold is formed with rounded corners and fastened with nails through the masonite. Strengthen the edge with a metal band keep the rabbits from gnawing on it.
7The bottom netting of the open part, is fastened to the bottom of the laths, and the bottom thread of the 'cabin', is fastened on top of the laths.
8The gable of chip board is not hinged, but is kept in place by two blocks on the outside of the lath and one on the inside. Place a grip on the upper part and lock it with a big nail through a hole in the masonite.


On a grassy field with cloves you should calculate with 8-10 m² grazing area per animal. By normal grass growth, two moves per day should be sufficient. Supplement with 50 g feed per animal a day.


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Updated 00-12-17 at 16:54